Film Hub: The Matrix

Friday, June 22, 2012

The Matrix

The Matrix 

What is matrix? Is it a movie? Is it a philosophy? Or something else? Thomas Anderson is a computer hacker. One day Morpheus enters in his life and he has to choose between two options. Reality which is Matrix or illusion life and never find out what reality is by taking red pill instead of blue in order to discover the truth. Do we exist or we are living in a illusion world? think about it: If we are not real, if nothing is real so what is real?
In fact The matrix is the 6th generation of computer programs which is created by Architect. The previous five generation had been destroyed due to technical issues and bugs. The time in the movie is year 2199 and not 1999. Thomas Anderson (Neo) is the final saver of the world. At first he is a lonely computer hacker with depression signs, then he transforms to the Neo. There are lots of religious references in movies. Xion, Last saver, and fight between good and bad. Even Neo's cloths is based on priests uniforms. There is also the Tao's philosophy that the more I try to understand the less I know. Hiduism: The world recycling itself, stopping and starting again. Then there are the seven that will repopulate Xion (Which makes me think of the Zionist movement) and the seven that repopulated the world after the flood. Seven is just a religious number anyway. Then there are science related quesitons, parallel universes, multiverses.
Neo saves the Zion, which is the the last place of all human being. Remember that it's year 2199 and robats destroyed all cities and humans. They use fetus as batteries in human farms for their factories. In the movie it's called "Machine City". Agent smith and his group are the viruses of the Matrix. They are the people who try to stop the Matrix and prevent the truth being found. This level of interest is not primarily due to The Matrix’s visual innovations, such as its use of bullet-time photography. Nor is it, for example, Keanu Reeves’s acting that cries out for more critical discussion. Rather, it’s the philosophical, spiritual, and moral implications of this phenomenally popular action pic that are responsible for all the attention.
Interpretations of The Matrix differ widely. There are some who see the film as a neo-gnostic fable, an allegory of Eastern world-denying thought, in which the known world is perceived by an elite few as an illusory dream-prison from which we must escape. There are also some who watch it as a veritable Christian parable, in which mankind is born into slavery until the arrival of the promised One who will bring liberation to all. However, it still seems to me to make sense to begin discussion with the first film considered on its own. As useful as the sequels are for understanding how the Wachowski brothers today see the storyline of the first film developing, represents a separate creative act, and its indeterminacy is an important part of its widespread appeal and diverse interpretations.
"Welcome to the real world." First and foremost, although The Matrix depicts a world very much like our world as an illusion and a prison, it does notdepict liberation or freedom from that illusion as escape from physicality into a state of disembodied happiness. On the contrary, the "real world" depicted in the film is even more intractably physical, and far more disturbing, than the illusions of the Matrix.
In fact, it’s precisely in the Matrix, not outside of it, that Neo and Morpheus and the others leave behind their real physical bodies and escape, at least partially, the constraints of gravity and other physical laws. Yet the film is quite clear that it’s the quasi-disembodied state of the Matrix that’s the prison, and the real, physical, bodily world, frightening as it is, that represents freedom.
The film also establishes that, even while in the Matrix, the heroes remain inseparably dependent upon their physical bodies in the physical world. The importance of the body is graphically illustrated in a scene in which a character in the Matrix is prevented from returning to the real world when her body is forcibly unplugged from the Matrix. From a gnostic perspective, we might expect this to be the character’s moment of liberation from the prison of the body. Instead, she dies. This is hardly a gnostic repudiation of the body.The Matrix trilogy made a revolution in cinema's history based on it's idea and techniques. After that we saw lots of movie with Matrixy techniques. The Matrix trilogy introduces lots of ideas about philosophy, computer, education and the other field of science. I really recommend you to watch this movie if you like to see a diffrent point of view in movies.

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